The Estonian Song Festival is not just a music event.
It is a gathering of great significance for the entire nation.
It's fair to say, that Estonians made their history with art and singing:
The story of the Estonian Awakening is inspiring,
The story of the Singing Revolution is just unique.
The Singing Revolution is famous for being peaceful.
Nobody was killed – a rarity in our world.
Do you want to know, what they are singing about?
To understand that, we go on a neo-expedition around Estonia.
We will meet amazing people – who I call "real-life superheroes".
Visit places of special significance,
and get to know stories that are bigger than life.
This trip is to Estonia, but it's much bigger than you think.
It is a trip to the past and the future –
biblical-scale challenges, achievements, and imagination.
But it's more than that. I'm sure, Estonia will surprise you.