Epic Journeys
for conscious travelers
Neo-Expeditions are not "tours",
They are more like epic journeys,
Where you explore the real beauty of the world,
And discover profound things about yourself.

You will meet future best friends,
In places where real-world superheroes live,
Where ancient traditions still thrive,
And Nature is so majestic.

Our mission is beautifully simple –
To create as many goosebumps as possible.
If you want to fall in love with the Universe,
Join us on this extraordinary journey.
Hi, welcome to
We organize adventures
with deeper meaning.
Hi, welcome to Neo-Expeditions.
We design purpose-driven, meaningful adventure trips for people who shape the future
Photo by Alex Farlander – Tibet, 2012
Thousands lights can be started from a single candle, and the life of the single candle will not be shortened...
Epic travel calendar 2025
Elements of Life
Neo-Expedition to Yucatan, Mexico 🇲🇽
Join a group departure in March 2025
or plan a private Journey year-round
Connect with the Elements of Life
and see the Underworld
Singing Evolution
Get to know the country where singing changed history on an epic journey from Midsummer to the Song Festival
Join a group departure in June-July 2025
or plan a private journey (the festival takes place only once in 5 years)
Neo-Expedition to Estonia 🇪🇪
Middle of Now-here
Explore the Legendary Realms and Ancient Wisdom on an epic drive across Mongolia
Join a group departure in September
or plan a private Journey
Neo-Expedition to Mongolian Altai 🇲🇳
The Utopia
Celebrate Life during the Night of the Dead in the Real-World Utopia
Join a group departure in October-November 2025
or plan a private Journey
Neo-Expedition to Patzcuaro, Mexico 🇲🇽
Neo-Expeditions Club
Inspiring events for travelers and travel professionals
Rituals & Rhythms
Elements of Life
The hardest day at work
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Monthly Goals
PRO Webinar: How to use Rituals and Rhythms in Travel Design
RVSP in the community
Launch: Journey Design Incubator for Travel/Experience Designers
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Travel Rituals
Travel Inspiration: Book club
PRO Workshop: First Moments Matter, Crafting memorable arrival experiences and first impressions
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiration: January Podcast
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Monthly Goals
PRO Webinar: What are Elements of Life and how travel designers can use them in creating powerful experiences?
RVSP in the community
Weekly Inspiration: Elements of Travel
Travel Inspiration: Book club
International Tourism Guide Day,
RVSP in the community
PRO Workshop: Natural Rhythms in Travel, Working with daylight, seasons, and local cycles in the experience design
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiration: February Podcast
Weekly Travel Inspiration: Monthly Goals
PRO Webinar: On the Power of Languages and Interpretation in the Design of Travel Experiences
RVSP in the community
Weekly Inspiration: Travel & Languages
Neo-Expedition: Yucatan, Mexico
Travel Inspiration: Book club
Spring Equinox / Nowruz,
Join us in Mexico
International Day of Happiness,
Join us Live
PRO Workshop: Multi-language Travel Tools, How to use incredible techniques for creating intercultural bridges between guests and locals
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiration: March Podcast
Travel Inspiradio: Monthly Goals
PRO Webinar: Time management – the Past, the Future, and the Present in the Design of Travel Experiences
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: Time Travel
Travel Inspiradio: Book club
PRO Workshop: Time Travel Experience – connecting people with the past, the future, and back again
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: May Podcast
Travel Inspiradio: Monthly Goals
RVSP in the community
PRO Webinar: What role has Poetry to play in the Design of Travel Experiences?
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: Poetry of Travel
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: Book Club
RVSP in the community
PRO Workshop: Passionate Writing – how to craft powerful texts and talks for your travel/experience business?
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: April Podcast
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: Monthly Goals
RVSP in the community
PRO Webinar: The Remarkable Power of Music
Travel Inspiradio: Singing
RVSP in the community
Neo-Expedition: From Midsummer to Singing Festival in Estonia
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: Book club
RVSP in the community
MIDSOOMAA / Jaanipäev, Estonia
RVSP in the community
Summer Solstice: Online event
RVSP in the community
PRO Workshop: Singing & Music in Travel Experience Design – attuning the vibrations that give goosebumps
RVSP in the community
Travel Inspiradio: June Podcast
RVSP in the community
Hi, this is Alex 👋

I love designing trips 🤠
I've been a nature & expedition guide for most of my life 🌍
In 2025, I am launching the next-level project, and I'd like to invite you to follow.

It's the conclusion of many years of my thinking and research of "how a travel company of the future looks like" 🤔

I call it Neo-Expeditions.
Travel with the purpose of giving and learning 💚 🌍
This is the future of travel 🔮

But before I can take Neo-Expeditions to the scale they deserve 💯, I need to invest in the organization process🏗️. We need a properly done legal registration, licensing where necessary, to run the first neo-expeditions📷 🎥, and start hiring the core team 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️👨‍🚀👩‍🚀– while nobody heard about us yet.
It's the hardest time, but we will do it. 💪

That's why I start with the crowdfunding campaign 💸 and I'm warmly 🙏 inviting you to become a member of the club ✌️ – people who support Neo-Expeditions 🌍from the first days 📅, and who learn together about meaningful travel 💚, business🕴️, and life ⏳.

Whether you are a passionate traveler 🏕️ or travel & hospitality professional 🏨, I created a few subscription options. By subscribing, you'll level up your own travel experience 🤯 – and significantly help me to move forward 👍.

Invest in your life experience. It will pay back.

See you somewhere!

– Alex
Alex Farlander
Founder of Neo-Expeditions
Kurkurek, 3.980
Maashei, 4.173
Ak-Turu, 4.044
Alex, 0.00186
Become Neo-
Join the future of meaningful travel
For travelers
For professionals
  • Access to all online events for mindful travelers in 2025
  • Recordings of all events
  • HUGE thank you for supporting our mission
$9/mo –
If you want to learn about the art of travel and follow our expeditions
If you plan to travel in 2025 and want some practical travel inspiration
  • Everything from Dreamer pack +
  • Neo-Expeditions Mastermind Group that will help you with the next-level travel inspiration and practical travel planning
$29/mo –
  • Everything from other packs +
  • Private Travel Coaching – talk to Alex directly and get deep, professional advice about your travel ideas and plans.
  • Special prices for all our expeditions, group and private – best investment in travel.
The best way to go on a neo-expedition and get private travel coaching
$99/mo –
  • Access to all online events for mindful travelers in 2025
  • Recordings of all events
  • HUGE thank you for supporting our mission
$29/mo –
Learn the most important ideas of Neo-Expeditions and join our PRO events
Join the PRO Mastermind for those who work in conscious travel & experiences
  • Everything from Dreamer pack +
  • Neo-Expeditions Mastermind Group that will help you with the next-level travel inspiration and practical travel planning
$99/mo –
  • Everything from other packages +
  • PRO Coaching – get my monthly assistance in creating awesome designs and experiences for your business.
  • Special prices for all our expeditions, group and private.
Great investment to grow a mindful travel/hospitality business
$500/mo –
© 2025 Travelhood Ltd.
We are a purpose-driven company
Travel with Meaning
Neo-Expedition Club
Work with us
Find us on
Contact Us
with 💚 to 🌍
Coming soon
epic journeys to dream about
Follow the routes of ancient migrations, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Roerich's Central Asian expedition
Join a group departure in 2026
or plan a private Journey
The great pilgrimage to the heart of Asia
the heart of lightness
the heart of lightness
Take a cruise upriver to the heart of Congo to learn the story of humanity and choose your future
Join a group departure in 2026
or plan a private Journey
The ultimate journey to the roots of humankind
Be the first to get invited
Once a month we will send you "Epic Times" – ideas for new journeys and seasonal suggestions.